viking ski club


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Trail Clearing Teams

Team One: Blue Trail reroute
Team Leader                        Chris Teron
Members                             Lousia Teron
                                           2 Friends (Non Members)
                                           Russel Fisher
                                           Friend (Non Member)

Team 2: Bunny Hill and Trail. Racing Trails
Team Leader                        Gordon Cohen
Members                              Frank Philpott
                                           Chris Neil
                                           Alexander Martel & son

Team 3: Green Trail (behind club house)
Team Leader                        Neil Price
                                           Mrs. Price
                                           Nikki Rink (Family 2 Adults, 2 children)


  1. Virginie Boelen. Julien Dufrêne, 3 children
  2. François Boileau family ( to work on Red K1 -> N
  3. Alexander Martel and son (with team 2)
  4. Nikki Rink (2 adults, 2 children) to work with team 3

For interest, this is a picture of bridge #3 on the 7 K loop that we completed today