viking ski club


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Trail Clearing Teams

Team 1           Black trail From R to J5, J5 to K and if time J5 to J
Team Leader            Chris Teron
Members                  Lousia Teron
                               Gordon Cohen
                               Katherine Walsh

Team 2          Red trail from M to F to L to N on towards K1 as far as time permits.
Team Leader            Don Heatherington
                               Derek Wills
                               Jack Rudnick
                               Frank Philpott

Tram 3           Yellow from Jackson Rd to H to H3 to H2 to G1 to I (if time permits)
Team Leader            Richard L’Heureux
Members                  Larry Dufresne
                               Francois Boileau


Luc Blanchette                2 adults 1 child
Julie Hail                         2 adults 2 children
Rebecca Lekx                 2 adults 3 children
Catherine Macpherson     2 adults 3 children
Andrew Keating               2 adults 2 children

Doug Bowes-Lyon reports it was a great trail-clearing day, both in terms of what was accomplished and the weather. Improvements to the Racing Trails are proceeding well although bridge work will require a couple of more weekends. Many thanks to Wilda Maase for the excellent muffins she supplies. Working with Doug were John Maase, Brent McCosker and Jess Eamon. The photo shows the nearly completed bridge #3 on the 7 km loop that the construction team worked on today.

New trail clearing leaders always welcome at Viking!